Everyone's a Star at...
Providing excellent dance instruction in a caring and supportive environment. Our positive, nurturing atmosphere allows every child to shine.
928 Route 910, Emmerling Plaza, Cheswick, PA 15024
Registration & Login
To register online click the link above and follow the on screen instructions.
Online Registration & Payment guarantees your class spot today!
Registration Fee and 1st Tuition Payment are required to register.
(No Registration Fee for Mini Sessions, Adult Classes, Summer Camps, Workshops & Intensives.)
If you do not complete the checkout process by 11:59 PM of the day you register, the system will automatically withdraw you from the classes and your space will not be held!
Tuition policies have been updated for the 2023-2024 Season.
For more information, please visit either of these links
2023-2024 SDA Policies / 2023-2024 Season Tuition Rates
Questions: info@starlightdancepgh.com or 412-767-0400.