Everyone's a Star at...
Providing excellent dance instruction in a caring and supportive environment. Our positive, nurturing atmosphere allows every child to shine.
928 Route 910, Emmerling Plaza, Cheswick, PA 15024
Box Office
2020 Performance Dates: June 12 & 13, 2020 at Springdale Jr/Sr High School
Performance Tickets tentatively go on sale Saturday, May 30th at 9:00 AM.
2020 SDA Class
Performance Nights
Seating Chart
Auditorium Picture
Performance Tickets go on sale Saturday, May 30th at 9:00 AM. Tickets are sold online through a secure ticketing service. No waiting in line! Select your preferred seats at your convenience. Tickets cost $15.00 each plus taxes and fees. Tickets are not exchangeable or refundable. Please make sure that you purchase for the correct show night.
All Tiny Tots and Little Stars classes perform in the first half of the show. All performers stay backstage prior to performing. After performing, your child may remain backstage, change and sit in the audience, or leave. If you will be staying backstage with your child for the entire performance, you and your child do not need a ticket. If you will be watching any part of the show from the audience, you will need a ticket. If you would like to have your child sit in the audience with you after he/she performs, you must change him/her into street clothes (no shirts over costumes), and purchase a seat for him/her. Fire regulations do not permit lap sitting. Any child in the audience age 2 & under must have a ticket and seat.